Morsink Clean Egg 252 eggwasher
With a lot of know how in hatching and keeping poultry Moresink have developed, some 28 years ago, the Clean egg 252 egg sanitizer and, after several years of testing and measuring, Moresink are able to say that the Clean Egg 252 is the best, fastest and most reliable hatching egg sanitizer there is with the highest hatchability across more than 60 countries worldwide.

Every 8 minutes, 3 times fresh new water! With a prewash (to prevent nozzles from clogging), a main wash and rinse cycle. No idle time for warming up water between cycles because of an optional boiler. That is crucial for the fastest washing time and for a high hatchability! Sanitize and warming water at the same time also gives of course a big advantage regarding to the capacity of sanitized eggs per hour.